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The Inauguration of the restoration works in Vlora Historical Center

The completion of the restoration of Vlora Historical Center area B, the most important area in the past for trade and patriotic activities in Vlora, was inaugurated on October 13, 2019, by ADDF Chairman, Michael Granoff, Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister of Culture Elva Margariti, AADF Board and Co-CEOs Martin Mata and Aleksandër Sarapuli.
The restoration works started at the end of the year 2017 as a partnership between the Albanian American Development Foundation, Government of Albania and Vlora Municipality. To date AADF has invested approximately $ 3.5 million in restoration and business assistance. It will continue to support local businesses that will accommodate the commercial spaces in the area, and through the TID Vlora association promote the Vlora Historical Center as a touristic destination. The total value to be invested by AADF in the TID Vlora project is $ 5 million.