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14 March 2017 – 14 March 2018, so many steps in so little time!

In its first anniversary, the revitalized New Bazaar of Tirana or known as the TID Tirana area, was one of the main areas where the event “Summer Day 2018” was organized. This event was co-financed by AADD, which supports TID Tirana Association on any of its initiatives to help the community or businesses of this area. Flowers and colored balloons ornamented the Bazaar for this event. Face paintings, sports games and animators were present to entertain the children. A special attention was paid to the past, an exhibition with pictures of the New Bazaar from the years 1938–1942 was also part of the event. The well-known band “The three musketeers” rocked up a crowd of more than 3,000 attendees at the recreational square. If we would take a look back, during its first year of revitalization the New Bazaar hosted nearly 50 various events. More than 30 new businesses were opened with a considerable value invested that passes the figure of 4 million euros. More than 50 new employees were hired. Much was accomplished but even more is ahead.
Happy birthday TID Tirana!