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A wonderful history that we should share with the world!

Chairman of the AADF Board, Mr. Michael D. Granoff and the Minister of Culture, Elva Margariti signed today for the establishment of the Foundation “Albanian Jewish Museum”. Following the examples from the best philanthropic practices in the world, the Foundation will enable the Museum to develop a contemporary program.

One of AADF top priorities is to keep bringing to Albania “state of the art practice” – from around the world. “Initiatives like today, together with the will of the people who work for them, will surely make the world replicate the best practices from Albania in the near future,” said Mr. Granoff during the ceremony.

Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, a prominent academic of Jewish cultural studies who advises AADF on the museum project, conveyed for the participants the spirit on which we are building this meaningful initiative. Mrs. Felicita Jakoel congratulated on the commencement of the works on behalf of the Albanian-Jewish community in Israel.